You may have heard that HMRC is planning to make all tax digital by 2020, starting with income tax in 2018. HMRC's digital personal account is the first step en route to making paper records obsolete. They will no longer be an option for individuals and small...
specialist proofreader
The hidden cost of DIY translations
Sometimes companies come up with weird and wonderful ways of saving money. DIY translations are one of those. Let's say a company needs a whole series of interrelated T-shirt designs translated into a foreign language. They decide to have about half the slogans...
How best to ask for a translation quote
“I need a page – cost?” This is probably the most cryptic enquiry a translator has yet received. Usually enquiries for a translation quote are a little more precise or a little more polite, such as: “Hi, I need a page translated, what’s the cost? Thanks!” On a good...
7 reasons why machine translations will never replace human translators
Why machine translations will not replace human translators The possibility of automatic translation has been around for a long time. In recent years machine translations have become increasingly sophisticated and popular. - But will machine translations ever be of...
Becoming British: the citizenship ceremony
The hassle of applying for British citizenship I started thinking about the necessity to become British in the wake of the Brexit referendum. Attending the citizenship ceremony was the last step in achieving this goal. Collecting all the correct pieces of paper for...
Introducing… Erika Baker, English-German translator
A little about the languages and topics I specialise in I’m an English-German translator. German by birth, I have lived in the UK for over 30 years. I’m qualified to translate from English into German as well as from German into English. My specialist topics have...
Becoming British by integration
Having arrived in England almost 30 years ago, I have now lived here longer than in my country of birth. I can report that the process of becoming British has been a long one and is by no means complete. The results of long-term relationships with two Englishmen,...
How to avoid receiving bad translations
We have all come across people with imperfect oral language skills. However, no matter how high the level of imperfection, we are usually very forgiving and understanding of imperfections when someone is making an effort to speak our language. So, why do most of us...
Translation risks for freelance translators
In the Multilingual magazine (September 2016 issue) Daniel Harcz discusses the main translation risks agencies face regularly. He covers risks such as not getting paid, taking on unknown new freelancers or clients, maintaining confidentiality, essential equipment...
The one time when my vote would have counted…
...and I didn't have one! I moved to the UK almost 29 years ago. Now married an Englishman, I have British children and a British grandchild. I danced with a Morris side for 10 years, culminating in me being made squire (as squire you get to boss about your fellow...
Accurate, confidential, efficient and reliable English-German translations
Professionally qualified German translator into English and English into German, offering first class translation services for commercial, industrial, governmental and private clients.